Hello Dear Friends~
My friend Ella and I attended the Winter Woolen Workshop last weekend in Kokomo, IN. We had a wonderful time, met some awesome people and shopped till we dropped. There were some workshops in the main "Sieberling House" and vendors in the carriage house next door. Both buildings were so awesome, a great venue to have this event at. There was also an antique mall very close to our hotel and of course, we found a few lovely things there as well!!!! There was a surprise snow storm on Saturday, but nothing could stop us!!
The Sieberling House
Love the colors used for this quilt.
This quilt was just so pretty .
The above rug is so cool, 12 ladies were doing 12 squares on each others rug, then all 12 ended up with their own rug, and they would do the background themselves. The large square in the middle was also hooked by the owner of each rug. I would love to this with friends.
Fell in love with this sweet rug and bought the pattern.
These display boxes were just beautiful.
More Goodies
More lovely things
More awesome things, hand dyed velvet, hand dyed hooking fabric, fibers,patterns
This is a pictures of the goodies that came home with me! I even got a #9 cutting blade for $5, the gal who sold it had just bought a Townsend. Lucky me!

Here is a close up of some of the items I got
The pattern I bought
This is a picture of Ella's goodies.
Ella bought this rug hooking pattern of a dragonfly!